
Dr. Archita Shaleen, a luminary in maternal-fetal care, unfolds the delicate narrative of pregnancies through her mastery in Amnioinfusion.

What is Amnioinfusion?

It is a procedure in which fluid in infused around the baby in the womb with the help of a needle. Not having enough amniotic fluid can cause pregnancy and delivery complications. It is only perfomed in a certain circumstances.

What is Amniotic fluid?

Amniotic fluid is a substance that surrounds your baby in your uterus. It protects them from infection and umbilical cord compression and cushions their movements while they’re in the womb. Amniotic fluid also helps develop your baby’s digestive and respiratory system and regulates their temperature. Not having enough amniotic fluid can cause health problems in your baby or complications during labour and delivery.

What is Oligohydramnios?

Oligohydramnios is the medical term for having too little amniotic fluid around the baby in the womb. It has many different possible causes. Severe oligohydramnios early in a pregnancy may affect the way the unborn baby grows. Oligohydramnios is not generally treated. Usually, the doctor checks the growing baby regularly and allows nature to take its course. However in few selected cases, amnioinfusion may help.

Sometimes amnioinfusion helps in evaluating the baby in a better way as decreased amniotic fluid also makes is very difficult to see the baby by ultrasound.

How is the procedure done?

You would have to come with your husband/relative for the procedure. Prior to the procedure, you would be explained the procedure with its benefits and risk. You would be asked to sign a written consent.

You may be asked to empty your bladder before the procedure.
Like an ultrasound examination, you would be asked to lie down on a couch. Your tummy would be cleaned by antiseptic. A local anaesthetic injection may be used to numb a small area.

Under antibiotic cover a thin needle is inserted through the abdomen (belly) and into the uterus guided by ultrasound. Then a solution that is similar to amniotic fluid is injected into the space around the baby. The procedure can be done several times (which is called serial amnioinfusion). You would be advised admission for monitoring of baby’s heart rate.

Are there any risks?

Amnioinfusion being an invasive procedure there are risks like bleeding, leaking, preterm labour, infection, placental separation etc.

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